Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I cannot even begin to describe the changes that have occurred in my life in the past five months. God has been very gracious to me in so many ways. I will always be the nice guy that lends a helping hand or a listening ear to a friend or loved one. However, I am truly beginning to find my voice. I have been burned to such a great extent in the past that I guess that was the only way for me to learn that it is more important for me to stick up for my convictions and for what is right rather than try to appease everyone just because I don't want to hurt their feelings with the cold, bitter truth. The truth really does set people free. My experiences have taught me that well. I pray that God works upon my stubbornness because it would be nice to learn from the wisdom and council of others for once rather than experiencing it firsthand. Thankfully, God is awesome either way, so that is more than enough comfort and reassurance. I am also no longer worried about the future. Medical school, for instance, is not the most important thing in the world. I have an amazing God and awesome friends and family that love and care for me. If I am supposed to be a doctor, God will enable it to happen at His timing.

I have learned to take things slowly in life. Jumping into something is not necessarily the best way to go about doing things. I am glad that things are different now. There is no veil of sunshine and puppy dogs there anymore. All that is left is reality and life. We know each others faults and sins. We know how to pray for each other and encourage each other. The basis and platform where each of us stands is fully understood, so there are no shocks or surprises. Most people might not approve of my actions, but it is because they never want me to be as crushed, hurt, and walked on as last time. A great friend told me, though, that it is much more worth it to risk being hurt again than to shut myself up from those emotions and experiences. My heart has softened greatly, which is a testimony of how God truly works in people's lives. It will be interesting to see where the next couple of months take us, but I am not afraid. God's love and grace is all sufficient for whatever the rest of my life stores......

"Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, 'Here I am.' ~ Isaiah 58:9a

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